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Transmission & Distribution
Grid Modernisation
Intelligence has been integral to electricity grids since their inception: supervision, control and protection have always been key activities for system operators. So, what’s different about the smart grid? Grids are becoming more complex for a variety of reasons, including the roll-out of distributed generation, changes in customer behavior (including the rise of the ‘prosumer’) […]
Cyber Security for the electricity sector
​ Like many other systems of systems (SoS), the electric grid is facing challenges as devices originally intended to be either standalone or locally networked are now being connected to both advanced management systems and to non-operational systems with exposure to the Internet. Generation, transmission and distribution systems which were previously connected to control centers […]
The WFES 2012 and a new branch: two important happenings in the future of CESI
​The 5th edition of WFES 2012 (16 – 19 January) will be held in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC), United Arab Emirates. Hosted by Masdar, WFES promotes innovation and investment opportunities surrounding renewable energy and environment. This year WFES will bring together more than 150 eminent thought leaders to reveal the latest innovations and […]
The best network: no network
The electric power system is the most meaningful example of a “system”, made by components that are connected together to interact. In comparison with other systems, such as internet, highways, railways, natural gas Infrastructures , the electric system is the most coupled one, namely any event can affect all the other elements of the network, […]
Smart grids for preventing blackouts?
​Transmission adequacy problems versus electrical growing consumptions, control and protection technological ageing, unpredictable renewable sources penetration, unbundling and market distortion effects, lack of coordination between system operators… are just examples of possible root causes which led  to partial or total blackouts in recent years worldwide. USA and European large disturbances on 2003 and 2005, as […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVAC Infrastructures
Both developing and industrialized countries are heavily investing to upgrade their power systems to ensure reliable and efficient power supplies and to facilitate energy trading with neighboring countries. At the same time, the traditional transmission network model is coming under pressure from the spread of distributed generation . With few technological breakthroughs likely in new […]
Storage & E-mobility
E-mobility infrastructures
The electrification of transport is expected to significantly contribute to decarbonization. From private cars to corporate fleets, from public transport to commercial mobility, the whole system will have to be transformed, particularly in terms of managing supply and integrating electric vehicles into the power grid. CESI’s deep expertise in power grids and power markets, as […]
​Milan, July 25, 2019 – Motus-E, the most important Italian Association related to e-mobility, organized a workshop in collaboration with CESI. During the event CESI presented its study on the opportunities of integrating electric vehicles with the power grid.The event took place yesterday at CESI headquarters in Milan and dealt with electric vehicles, their services […]
Technology to build and operate Supergrid is available today
​As announced at the inaugural conference Supergrid 2012 on 21 March, FOSG has released a roadmap on the technological challenges for Supergrid. There are no technology show-stoppers to the development of a European Supergrid. For visionary long term planning the availability of key VSC-Grid technologies , such as control and protection methods, main circuit design, […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVDC Infrastructures
The number of interconnections between power networks in different countries, or inside a single country with wide geographical spread, is growing, highlighting the need for high voltage direct current (hvdc) technologies , which can carry power over long distances, undersea if necessary and enable the linking of asynchronous networks . CESI is one of the […]
Studies & Permitting
Environmental studies
CESI has long experience in environmental studies and permitting issues. We oversee complex projects, identifying site-specific constraints and assessing technology alternatives and their environmental impacts. This includes pre-operation evaluations of potential impacts, the mitigation required and infrastructure monitoring. We work with clients during the entire authorization process, drawing on our extensive experience of environmental and […]
The Annual Report 2012 is now available
2012 Highlights:Production Value 114.6 million EuroEbitda 27.4 million EuroNet Profit 15.1 million Euro Global energy demand is set to double by 2050, an inevitable consequence of world’s population growth, of emerging economies growing, of rapid urbanization, as well as of increasing mobility. In the same period, global emissions of greenhouse gases will have to be […]
On Monday 15 May at 09:00 AM the 3rd “Italia in Sicurezza” Forum will be held in Rome at the Sala Capitolare of Palazzo della Minerva, 38. The Forum is organized by CESI in collaboration with #italiasicura, the task-force of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. The event promotes among the major stakeholders in […]
Engineering Consulting
Technical Specification & Procurement Assistance
Technical specifications, as the key component of bidding documents, play an important role in procurement, especially in projects that involve complex equipment and new technologies . Consistency in bidding documents optimizes the project scope, mitigates possible project risks and ensures smoother project execution by helping to avoid significant changes. CESI has a depth of experience […]
Technical papers
Growing Demand for Testing DC Cables & Accessories: Experience & Special New Requirements
​ High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is a growing field in the T&D sector, allowing transmission of bulk quantities of energy with a reduced impact on Infrastructures and reduced losses. The performance level of today’s HVDC solutions allows to gain advantage from technical, economic and environmental points of view. HVDC power transmission becomes more and more […]
Transmission & Distribution
SCADA and Control Centers
CESI has vast experience in supporting the implementation of full scale state-of-the-art SCADA, EMS and telecommunication systems that safely and reliably monitor and manage electrical networks and energy exchanges in interconnection systems. We have built up this experience over many years in Italy and around the world, acting as technical consultants to Transmission System Operators […]
Milan, November 15, 2018 – CESI will attend the Energy Forum, organized  by The Adam Smith Society in collaboration with “Il Festival della Luce”. The Forum will deal with the most important trends in the energy sector. In this respect, CESI CEO Matteo Codazzi will make a speech on some of these trends: from the […]
Energy bridge
​Matteo Codazzi, CEO at CESI, takes part to the RES4MED official launch event in Rome on May 3, 2012. The conference includes among others Corrado Clini (Italian Minister of the Environment), Piero Gnudi (Italian Minister for Tourism) and Francesco Starace (RES4MED President). Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean region South and East Mediterranean Countries are […]
A “Smart Strategy” Project in KSA
​CESI Middle East has been selected by the Electricity & Co-Generation Authority of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ECRA, to develop policies, specification requirements and an implementation plan for a smart metering and advanced metering infrastructure . This new mandate, which is the first kingdom-wide project of its kind to be undertaken in Saudi Arabia, […]
HVDC: Back to the future
​The future began in Gotland in 1950. It is here, between this island 90 kilometers off the coast of Sweden and the mainland, that the first direct current connection for the transmission of electricity was made. Though limited in size and power, the project has had enormous resonance. In fact, the prototype developed by ABB […]