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metering infrastructure architecture paradigms

Transmission & Distribution
Grid Modernisation
Intelligence has been integral to electricity grids since their inception: supervision, control and protection have always been key activities for system operators. So, what’s different about the smart grid? Grids are becoming more complex for a variety of reasons, including the roll-out of distributed generation, changes in customer behavior (including the rise of the ‘prosumer’) […]
Smart grids for preventing blackouts?
​Transmission adequacy problems versus electrical growing consumptions, control and protection technological ageing, unpredictable renewable sources penetration, unbundling and market distortion effects, lack of coordination between system operators… are just examples of possible root causes which led  to partial or total blackouts in recent years worldwide. USA and European large disturbances on 2003 and 2005, as […]
Technical papers
Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security,Advanced Operation of the High Voltage System Highlights from the Italian Plan for System Security
The Italian Plan for System Security (IPSS) is a coordinated actions program devoted to revise and possibly improve practices and systems used for the Italian Transmission System Operation. The IPSS is lastly introducing modern operating solutions which are parts of both the Smart Grid for Transmission paradigms and the ENTSO-E research emerging initiatives. As known, […]
Studies & Permitting
Environmental studies
CESI has long experience in environmental studies and permitting issues. We oversee complex projects, identifying site-specific constraints and assessing technology alternatives and their environmental impacts. This includes pre-operation evaluations of potential impacts, the mitigation required and infrastructure monitoring. We work with clients during the entire authorization process, drawing on our extensive experience of environmental and […]
Supergrid VS distributed generation
Super Grid, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy Sources, Distributed Generation and other fashion concepts can be astonishing when they are put together and not clearly harmonized. In fact they only apparently, but not really, imply opposite visions of the future power system. Distributed Generation (DG) has been associated, at first, with a “small scale” concept of […]
Cyber Security for the electricity sector
​ Like many other systems of systems (SoS), the electric grid is facing challenges as devices originally intended to be either standalone or locally networked are now being connected to both advanced management systems and to non-operational systems with exposure to the Internet. Generation, transmission and distribution systems which were previously connected to control centers […]
High RES penetration impact on Operations
​The development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is rapidly growing worldwide and they will play an increasingly important role in electricity power systems in the coming years. The majority of this is expected to be from Variable Non-Synchronous Renewable (VNSR) generation sources. According to the 2020 targets, significant volumes of VNSR generation are estimated across […]
The best network: no network
The electric power system is the most meaningful example of a “system”, made by components that are connected together to interact. In comparison with other systems, such as internet, highways, railways, natural gas Infrastructures , the electric system is the most coupled one, namely any event can affect all the other elements of the network, […]