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Energy choices: WEC’s Brazilian perspectives
Matteo Codazzi, CEO of CESI, took part in the conference on “Efficient, Affordable and Acceptable Energy Choices” that was held in Rio de Janeiro and organized by the Brazilian Committee of the World Energy Council (WEC). One of the most important topics on the agenda was the debate over the challenges that will have to […]
CESI Group at Innotrans 2012
18 to 21 September, Berlin, Germany ​InnoTrans, the leading International Trade Fair for Transport technology has become established as an international industrial showplace focusing on Railway Technology. It will attract nearly 2500 international exhibitors and expects more than 100 000 visitors of about 50 countries. The product groups displayed are major product ranges of the […]
International Design Contest: RES4MED Logo
RES4MED announces an international idea contest for the realization for a new institutional logo of the Association. The contest aims to bring young people to the culture of energy conservation and raising awareness to the promotion of renewable energy sources, as necessary starting point for the sustainable development both for the Mediterranean and the entire […]