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HVAC Infrastructures Construction supervision

Transmission & Distribution
HVAC Infrastructures
Both developing and industrialized countries are heavily investing to upgrade their power systems to ensure reliable and efficient power supplies and to facilitate energy trading with neighboring countries. At the same time, the traditional transmission network model is coming under pressure from the spread of distributed generation . With few technological breakthroughs likely in new […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVDC Infrastructures
The number of interconnections between power networks in different countries, or inside a single country with wide geographical spread, is growing, highlighting the need for high voltage direct current ( HVDC ) technologies, which can carry power over long distances, undersea if necessary and enable the linking of asynchronous networks . CESI is one of […]
Interconnecting the world
The importance of interconnections for cleaner energy ​​ According to most part of the scientific environment, climate change is mainly a result of human activity and since the mid-20th century it is proceeding at a very fast rate. But human beings are also capable of changing direction, and the development of innovative energy projects can […]