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EVs‘ impact on the power grid

Storage & E-mobility
E-mobility infrastructures
The electrification of transport is expected to significantly contribute to decarbonization. From private cars to corporate fleets, from public transport to commercial mobility, the whole system will have to be transformed, particularly in terms of managing supply and integrating electric vehicles into the power grid. CESI’s deep expertise in power grids and power markets, as […]
Advisory services
Regulatory & Market studies
As the power sector evolves, it will require substantial investment. electricity generators need to base their investment strategies on their expected revenues. It is vitally important for them to predict their competitive positioning across all markets: from forward markets to real time balancing. Price scenarios need to be estimated considering both renewable generating units, which […]
Products Expertise
Transportation will be the next sector to decarbonise, after electricity. The rise of electric vehicles will bring huge changes to the electricity sector as well as the automotive industry. Kema Labs can help you navigate this new and uncertain landscape. We have the expertise, competence and cutting-edge test facilities to help you take the last […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen
Hydrogen has been used for more than a century in industrial processes including the chemicals sector, refining, thermal treatments, cooling of generators, as a propellant fuel and in the food industry. To date, hydrogen has been produced mainly through steam methane reforming of natural gas. To reach net-zero emissions requires decarbonised hydrogen production. This can […]
High RES penetration impact on Operations
​The development of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is rapidly growing worldwide and they will play an increasingly important role in electricity power systems in the coming years. The majority of this is expected to be from Variable Non-Synchronous Renewable (VNSR) generation sources. According to the 2020 targets, significant volumes of VNSR generation are estimated across […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
On-shore and Off-shore Wind
Wind energy will lead the way in the transformation of the global electricity sector. By 2050, there could be  more than 5,000 GW of installed wind capacity, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency [1], generating more than 35% of total electricity supply. The evolution of the wind industry has been rapid and remarkable, allowing […]
Heading for a Sustainable Energy Future 2050
Extract from the speech of Matteo Codazzi (CEO at CESI) at the 3rd Dii Desert Energy Conference, held in Berlin on November 7th, 2012 The Target Europe is undoubtedly a forerunner in the actions towards a sustainable energy future. Following a debate started in 2007, in 2009 the EU Parliament and Council set binding targets on […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
Solar PV is one of the most mature, commercially competitive and fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. Its cumulative installed capacity will rise to 8,519 GW by 2050, becoming the second biggest renewable energy source after wind. The challenges for grid-connected and stand-alone PV plants range from the availability of reliable energy yield assessments, sustainable design and […]
EuroAsia InterConnector
NICOSIA, Dec. 18, 2015 – The EuroAsia InterConnector, the 1,518 km subsea power cable connecting the Israeli, Greek and Cypriot power grids to continental Europe, entered its final stage on Friday, with the project promoter awarding three studies that will lead to implementation and commissioning. The EuroAsia InterConnector officially awarded the three studies to two […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVDC Infrastructures
The number of interconnections between power networks in different countries, or inside a single country with wide geographical spread, is growing, highlighting the need for high voltage direct current (hvdc) technologies, which can carry power over long distances, undersea if necessary and enable the linking of asynchronous networks . CESI is one of the few […]
​Saudi Arabia, 03/04/2018 – Cesi just finalized a strategic project in support of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in line with Saudi Vision 2030 regarding rooftop solar photovoltaic systems. The Company, in partnership with the Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), was involved in different aspects, such as: preparation of detailed technical standards for connection of […]
Technical papers
Impact of CO2 Reduction Targets on Transmission Capacity Expansion dictated by the Power Market Clearing: Application to the Italian and French Systems
The awareness of the close relationships between global warming and GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission has risen enormously during the latest years. To set a bound on CO2 emissions, in the EU a CO2 cap is assigned to each Member State (EUA: European Union Allowance) and a market for trading emission allowances (ETS) is presently in […]
​ CESI has conducted a study about marine power cables laid in valuable environmental areas, in particular crossing Posidonia oceanica meadows. The study deals with different submarine interconnections laid on seagrass meadows, from 1970 to now. The results made possible to associate every case study and protection technique to the best mitigation measures related to […]
Transmission & Distribution
HVAC Infrastructures
Both developing and industrialized countries are heavily investing to upgrade their power systems to ensure reliable and efficient power supplies and to facilitate energy trading with neighboring countries. At the same time, the traditional transmission network model is coming under pressure from the spread of distributed generation . With few technological breakthroughs likely in new […]
Technical papers
Growing Demand for Testing DC Cables & Accessories: Experience & Special New Requirements
​ High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is a growing field in the T&D sector, allowing transmission of bulk quantities of energy with a reduced impact on Infrastructures and reduced losses. The performance level of today’s HVDC solutions allows to gain advantage from technical, economic and environmental points of view. HVDC power transmission becomes more and more […]
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Industrial Plants
CESI has decades of experience working in industrial plants on environmental, safety, business continuity and energy issues. While environmental and safety regulations are determined by national and/or regional legislation, business continuity and optimization of energy costs are key factors in a company’s competitiveness. The efficient operation of production plants is strictly dependent on the reliability […]
About us
CESI Middle East FZE
CESI Middle East FZE, headquartered in Dubai UAE and with Branch and project offices all over the Gulf region, is a leading local technical consulting and engineering company with more than nine  years of localized experience providing testing and certification services to the electromechanical industry as well as consulting and engineering services to the energy […]
The best network: no network
The electric power system is the most meaningful example of a “system”, made by components that are connected together to interact. In comparison with other systems, such as internet, highways, railways, natural gas infrastructures, the electric system is the most coupled one, namely any event can affect all the other elements of the network, even […]
Cyber Security for the electricity sector
​ Like many other systems of systems (SoS), the electric grid is facing challenges as devices originally intended to be either standalone or locally networked are now being connected to both advanced management systems and to non-operational systems with exposure to the Internet. Generation, transmission and distribution systems which were previously connected to control centers […]
System Adequacy and Market Modelling
The Electric power System has a very important role for the economic development and welfare and is at the heart of a sustainable way to use energy. It is the largest machine ever been engineered: in Italy 60 thousand kilometers of transmission power lines – one and half time the circumference of the Earth – […]