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Procurement Assistance for Ixtepec-Yaupetec HVDC project in Mexico

Revision of evaluation methodology and support to technical evaluation of tenders for the Ixtepec-Yautepec 500 kV HVDC project in Mexico.

CESI won an international tender from the Comision Nacional de Electricidad (CFE) to support it in selecting the best solution and the best provider for Mexico’s first HVDC system, the Ixtepec-Yautepec project, which comprised two converter stations, seven substations, one HVDC transmission line and six HVAC transmission lines.

The aims of the project were to:

  • Provide the criteria to allow CFE to evaluate the offers submitted
  • Support CFE in answering questions from bidders
  • Carry out technical evaluation of the offers presented
Area Manager
Procurement Assistance
Industries Expertise
HVDC Infrastructures
For info