The main objective of the assignment is to develop a specific Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) which will guide and inform investments into Namibian current and future transmission, generation, energy trading and demand side-management options for the next 30-years and will include projects that would provide a flexible response to future market uncertainty.
A second objective of the IRP is to provide a long-term plan(s) designed to meet the need for reliable, environmentally responsible and financially sustainable energy and services during the ongoing Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) transition taking into account the increasing share of renewables and the ever-increasing number of distributed energy sources and market players under the Modified Single Buyer (MSB) framework. It should maintain affordability for NamPower’s customers across a range of foreseeable and unforeseeable future scenarios and investment options.
Finally, a last objective of the IRP is to develop and review the relevant plans for transmission, generation, rural electrification, peri-urban electrification and to recommend specific short, medium and long terms roadmaps and action plans.
The services are developed by CESI in three phases:
The IRP has been developed using some of the most widespread commercial power system simulation tools, such as PLEXOS and DIGSILENT PowerFactory.