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studi dissesto idrogeologico

ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Servizi per il Monitoraggio di Opere d’Arte e per il Rischio Idrogeologico
​Addis Abeba, March 7, 2019 – CESI is attending the workshop “Accelerating the renewable energy transition in Ethiopia”, organized by Res4Med. During the event, the Company is presenting its study crafted and developed together with RES4Africa and Enel Foundation focused on the integration of variable renewables into the Ethiopian electrical grid considering the development scenario […]
Technical papers
Study of the interconnection PIAT-RIN with the integration of Renewable Energies
Etude de l’interconnexion du réseau Adrar- In Salah- Timimoune (PIAT) au réseau Nord interconnecté (RIN) avec l’intégration Des Energies renouvelables L’étude d’interconnexion du réseau d’Adrar-In Salah (PIAT) au Réseau Interconnecté Nord (RIN) est réaliser dans le but d’examiner la faisabilité de réalisation d’une interconnexion entre les réseaux PIAT et RIN EN tenant compte du programme […]
Technical papers
The restoration strategies from neighbouring countries: simulation studies and actual tests experience
The paper describes the preparation and execution of Switzerland Italy re-energization test, managed on 2013, 6th January in order to continuously improve the restoration strategies to and ensure a constant assessment of ENTSO-E Operation Handbook (policy 5) procedures. The paper firstly summarizes the main results of the theoretical investigations on different neighbour backbones. Secondly the […]
Technical papers
Linking Europe to Africa through long distance HVDC submarine interconnectors: methodology applied to the feasibility study and technical challenges to be overcome
HVDC  links  are  becoming  an  increasingly  popular  solution  to  interconnect  previously  isolated systems or to establish new corridors within highly meshed networks. As a matter of fact, HVDC links show outstanding advantages with respect to HVAC corridors such as full controllability of power flow avoiding the creation of parallel or, even, loop flows in meshed […]
Technical papers
Experience of HVDC Interconnection Italy-France called “Piemonte-Savoie” Problems connected with EMF – ELF Study of interferences with other services in tunnel
This paper presents the main results of the studies carried out for the project of High voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Interconnection between Italy and France, called “Piemonte-Savoie” about electromagnetic interferences with other services. The project has been jointly performed by TERNA and RTE and the studies have been made with the support of the Italian […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
Ottimizzazione delle operazioni
L’ottimizzazione delle operazioni è un concetto cardine per ISMES, azienda del Gruppo CESI specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e delle infrastrutture. Questo principio guida l’attività di ISMES, che mira a massimizzare l’efficienza, minimizzare i costi e migliorare la qualità dei servizi offerti. Ottimizzazione delle operazioni – gli ambiti di applicazione L’ottimizzazione delle operazioni si concretizza in una […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Software di gestione di Sistemi di Monitoraggio Strutture
I sistemi di monitoraggio permettono agli ingegneri il controllo di strutture o del territorio avendo a disposizione informazioni in merito al comportamento di strutture o di dissesti al fine di identificare i rischi potenziali. I sistemi di monitoraggio sono dotati di opportuni software di gestione che vengono in aiuto per l’analisi dei dati e a […]
EuroAsia InterConnector
NICOSIA, Dec. 18, 2015 – The EuroAsia InterConnector, the 1,518 km subsea power cable connecting the Israeli, Greek and Cypriot power grids to continental Europe, entered its final stage on Friday, with the project promoter awarding three studies that will lead to implementation and commissioning. The EuroAsia InterConnector officially awarded the three studies to two […]
CESI provides environmental studies and monitoring activities, including biological monitoring in compliance with regulatory requirements, in the following areas: Air quality biomonitoring Flora and fauna studies
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Industrial Plants
CESI has decades of experience working in industrial plants on environmental, safety, business continuity and energy issues. While environmental and safety regulations are determined by national and/or regional legislation, business continuity and optimization of energy costs are key factors in a company’s competitiveness. The efficient operation of production plants is strictly dependent on the reliability […]
Monitoring & Diagnostic
Environmental Assessment
The siting of industrial infrastructure, such as power plants and electricity cables, in marine-coastal areas requires an environmental impact assessment of the relevant coastal sites and marine areas; this is done through desktop research and feasibility studies of the proposed location of the plant, the optimal laying route and the best connection protection techniques. The […]
​On March 2018 CESI organized and hosted an event with ITCOLD – the Italian Committee on Large Dams, focused on penstocks. During the workshop, a specific ITCOLD’s Group discussed the main characteristics of penstocks, analyzing their control methodologies, the most common problems associated to their functioning and the most effective evaluation criteria. These topics will […]
Storage & E-mobility
Storage infrastructures
Electrical power systems around the world are changing significantly and swiftly thanks to an energy transition that is mainly driven by the rapid increase of renewable energy sources (RES) and the evolution of generation and transmission technologies. Such changes require an innovative framework at system level to cope with emerging challenges and to take advantage […]
CESI wins the Arco Norte project
​CESI won the international competition organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), to conduct a study of energy integration between Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and Brazil in order to attest the feasibility of integration between the four countries and allow harnessing the untapped energy potential of the Guianas. The study will evaluate the potential of […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
On-shore and Off-shore Wind
Wind energy will lead the way in the transformation of the global electricity sector. By 2050, there could be  more than 5,000 GW of installed wind capacity, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency [1], generating more than 35% of total electricity supply. The evolution of the wind industry has been rapid and remarkable, allowing […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
Solar PV is one of the most mature, commercially competitive and fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. Its cumulative installed capacity will rise to 8,519 GW by 2050, becoming the second biggest renewable energy source after wind. The challenges for grid-connected and stand-alone PV plants range from the availability of reliable energy yield assessments, sustainable design and […]
Technical papers
Specific submarine cable system challenges for the development of a Mediterranean interconnection grid
Medgrid is a European industrial initiative to study the feasibility of a 1,000 MW HVDC transmission project connecting North Africa to Europe. Medgrid assigned to a Consortium led by CESI (together with Intertek and Parson Brinckerhoff) a feasibility study aimed at providing answers to technology and cable limits, laying methods, maintenance, costs and planning, for […]
Engineering Consulting
Design Review
When building a large infrastructure project, the contractor’s design proposals must be appraised to ensure that the calculations, designs, materials and arrangements comply with technical specifications, are of suitable material and quality , and are assembled efficiently and effectively. CESI has a long track record of design review activities performed for utilities and investors worldwide, […]