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Advisory services
Regulatory & Market studies
As the power sector evolves, it will require substantial investment. electricity generators need to base their investment strategies on their expected revenues. It is vitally important for them to predict their competitive positioning across all markets: from forward markets to real time balancing. Price scenarios need to be estimated considering both renewable generating units, which […]
​CESI attended with pleasure CIRED 2013 from the 10th to 13th of July in Stockholm. CIRED, the major International Electricity Conference & Exhibition is the leading Forum where the Electricity Distribution Community meets every two years in various venues in Europe, with a world-wide perspective and participation. All key actors in power Systems, i.e. producers, […]
Renewables & Green Hydrogen
Solar PV is one of the most mature, commercially competitive and fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. Its cumulative installed capacity will rise to 8,519 GW by 2050, becoming the second biggest renewable energy source after wind. The challenges for grid-connected and stand-alone PV plants range from the availability of reliable energy yield assessments, sustainable design and […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Analisi Strutturale Grandi Opere
Lo scopo dell’analisi strutturale è definire sia il dimensionamento geometrico che l’individuazione dei materiali da costruzione più idonei per realizzare gli elementi portanti di una struttura. Lo scopo è garantire la resistenza ai carichi a cui è sottoposta la struttura durante la sua intera vita utile. L’analisi strutturale riguarda sia strutture esistenti che nuove. L’approccio […]
The first European independent HVDC lab
​The new lab represents a global center of excellence and is based on “state-of-the- art ” technologies for testing cables, components and innovative systems for High Voltage Direct Current, a strategic asset for long distance energy transmission. It is the first and biggest European independent laboratory for Direct Current and it leverages the most modern […]
CESI @ Cigré 2012
CESI is pleased to announce the presence at CIGRE 2012, from August 27th to August 31st 2012 in Paris. With more than 6,000 international visitors expected, the CIGRE Session is the leading event for Power Systems experts from all around the world. CIGRE is a permanent non-government and non profit-making international association which was founded […]
CESI enhances its presence in South East Asia
​As part of the Consulting Division strategy to increase presence in the ASEAN market, in September CESI took part in 3 key events within the region . Philippines: ADB Regional Energy Trading Workshop In the framework of the Regional Energy Trading Workshop organized by the Asian Development Bank in Manila, CESI has been invited to […]
Conventional PP, Industrial & Oil&gas
Conventional Power Plants
When planning conventional power plants, our clients put their trust in our experience across all planning activities, from conceptual development to site supervision, commissioning management, operation management including monitoring , right through to the decommissioning of the plant. Our deep knowledge of all factors, with specific experience in the main generation technologies ( open and […]
Technical papers
Safety issues in case of internal arc on HV cable terminations, bushings
Worldwide demand for new T& D networks will increase in the near future pushing the utilities to install a larger number of high voltage equipment like cable terminations, bushings and surge arresters. Meanwhile the attention to environmental and safety issues is generally increasing . The aim of this paper is to analyze the potential risks […]
HV tests for on-site cable diagnostic
Energy utilities need on-site AC high-voltage acceptance tests on their cable systems and switchgear, in order to ensure the quality of their transmission systems; such tests need to be performed on site with special equipment as well as remarkable measurement technology and diagnosis at voltages of up to 500 kV. Complete acceptance tests such as […]
CESI | GEPL starts in the Middle East
Today marks the beginning of Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI | GEPL) Today marks the commencement of Gulf Electrical Power Laboratories (CESI|GEPL) operations in the Middle East. Our joint venture with GCC Electrical Testing Laboratory was conceived as a call to stricter specifications of power components compliant to the highest international standards. This state-of-the- art electromechanical […]
CESI has been selected as one of the contracted testing centers by the four German transmission companies to test both the reliability and safety of the three electricity corridors’ cable systems that will connect the significant wind potential of the North and Baltic Sea to the big cities and to the vast industrial complexes of […]
Power generation plants
Building power plants and running them sustainably requires detailed monitoring campaigns to assess the  health of the main environmental indicators. CESI has the experience and skills necessary to investigate the various environmental sectors affected in the different stages of the life cycle of generation plants. Hydroelectric plants: Thermoelectric plants Offshore wind plants (cable connection)
Technical papers
HVDC link Sardinia Island
The essential characteristics and the steps followed in the realization process of the new ±500 kV 1000MW HVDC link Sardinia Island – Italian Peninsula (SAPEI), whose completion was achieved at theend of 2010, are presented in this paper. Notwithstanding the growing application of HVDC links around the world and the acquiredexperience in the area of […]
Privacy Policy
1 Introduction Cesi S.p.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Cesi“), deems the protection of the personal data of its potential customers and/or users to be of fundamental importance, ensuring that the processing of personal data, carried out by any means, is done in full compliance with the safeguards and rights recognised by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of […]
Volatile RES & Thermal Plants flexibility
IntroductionWith the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and dependency from fossil fuels, in various countries the sharp increase of electrical RES (Renewable Energy Sources) as a result of policies of substantial subsidies is creating problems to an efficient and reliable operation of the electrical power system. Both transmission and distribution systems have to face an […]
Milan, March 2, 2020 – The change in ownership of the Chalfont (USA) Laboratories’ from DNV GL to CESI has completed today. The independent testing facility in Chalfont is the largest of its kind in the United States. It features 1000 MVA and 2500 MVA short-circuit generators; a 1500 kV impulse generator; a 600-kV power […]
CESI – WEC study on variable renewables
Integration of variable renewables: achievements, challenges and solutions. A report by CESI and WEC The Report ‘Variable Renewables Integration in Electricity Systems 2016 – How to get it right’ is published by the World Energy Council in partnership with Project Supporter and the Council’s Global Partner, CESI S.p.A. The report draws upon 32 country case […]
Renewables: a study by CESI and WEC
​Renewables, including hydro, now account for over 30% of the total global installed power generation capacity and 23% of total global electricity production. In the past 10 years, wind and solar PV have witnessed an explosive average annual growth of 23% and 50% respectively, although their combined contribution to the global electricity supply is currently […]
Supergrid VS distributed generation
Super Grid, Smart Grid, Renewable Energy Sources, Distributed Generation and other fashion concepts can be astonishing when they are put together and not clearly harmonized. In fact they only apparently, but not really, imply opposite visions of the future power system. Distributed Generation (DG) has been associated, at first, with a “small scale” concept of […]