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High Power Testing Laboratories
High Power Testing: Advanced Methodologies and Certifications
KEMA Labs High Power Laboratories stands at the forefront of cutting-edge high power testing solutions, catering to the intricate requirements of global utilities and equipment manufacturers. With our state-of-the-art facilities and seasoned test engineers, we provide technical expertise and precision in high power testing . Comprehensive High Power Testing Capabilities Our extensive repertoire of high […]
Technical papers
Testing of elastomeric isolators for nuclear power plants
Nowadays, the design of nuclear power plants (NPP) is characterized by enhanced safety level. In particular, GEN III+ and GEN IV reactors have to be highly secure and designed to withstand extremely severe external events such as floods, tsunamis, tornadoes, plane crashes, fires and, in particular, earthquakes. Seismic isolation is considered the most promising technology […]
HV tests for on-site cable diagnostic
Energy utilities need on-site AC high-voltage acceptance tests on their cable systems and switchgear, in order to ensure the quality of their transmission systems; such tests need to be performed on site with special equipment as well as remarkable measurement technology and diagnosis at voltages of up to 500 kV. Complete acceptance tests such as […]
Testing Labs
High Current Test Laboratories
Kema Labs variable frequency ultra-high current test laboratories can test any equipment that requires either a high current test or a special test frequency (or a combination of both). Tests can be done in triple phase or single phase. Our variable frequency and ultra-high AC current test laboratories can test at any desired test frequency […]
Testing Labs
Protection & Substation Automation Laboratories
The ongoing energy transition requires digitalization with intelligent electronic devices for measurement, protection, and control in power systems. Consequently, larger and smarter grids demand more communication between grid components, as ensuring that energy flows are correctly monitored, protected and controlled is vital to delivering a stable and reliable electricity supply. We offer independent type testing and certification of […]
CESI supports TSE Testing Laboratory Feasibility
CESI has been awarded a strategic study for TSE Türk Standardları Enstitüsü (the Turkish Standard Institute), institution interested to establish a testing laboratory able to cope with the increasing needs of testing services coming from the fast-growing domestic electromechanical market. TSE was founded in Turkey in 1960 with the purpose of providing services of standardization, […]
Testing Labs
Services IEC/IEEE Testing Services and recent updates
International Standards provide instructions, guidelines, rules, or definitions that are then used to design, manufacture, install, test & certify, maintain, and repair devices and systems. They are essential for quality and risk management; they help researchers to understand the value of innovation and allow manufacturers to produce products of consistent quality and performance . International […]
Measuring Equipment Calibration
Tested kWh-meters by KEMA Labs
This register contains a list of energy meters tested to the kWh-meter standards. KEMA Labs cannot and does not guarantee that this information is complete, accurate and actual. The conditions/disclaimer of this website are also applicable to the use of this register. This register gives an indication of energy meters tested by KEMA Labs and […]
CESI first testing center for Meters and More
CESI S.p.A., on June, 9th 2015, has been appointed from the METERS AND MORE Association as the first world-wide testing center for the compliance certification of equipments based on the SMITP (CENELEC) standard. METERS AND MORE is an international non-profit association based in Brussels with the goal of providing the industry with a proven open […]
Technical papers
Growing Demand for Testing DC Cables & Accessories: Experience & Special New Requirements
​ High-voltage direct-current (HVDC) technology is a growing field in the T&D sector, allowing transmission of bulk quantities of energy with a reduced impact on Infrastructures and reduced losses. The performance level of today’s HVDC solutions allows to gain advantage from technical, economic and environmental points of view. HVDC power transmission becomes more and more […]
Technical papers
Ferroresonance in Inductive Voltage Transformers Or Power Voltage Transformers: analysis, laboratory tests and solutions
A ferroresonance analysis related to HV Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT) and power Voltage Transformers or Station Service Transformers (PVT/SST) was addressed to develop models based on EMT formulation, enabling detailed ferroresonance risk analyses in specific HV station conditions and helping in the equipment technical specifications (including anti-ferroresonance remedial provisions). The research relied on a comparison […]
Technical papers
The restoration strategies from neighbouring countries: simulation studies and actual tests experience
The paper describes the preparation and execution of Switzerland Italy re-energization test, managed on 2013, 6th January in order to continuously improve the restoration strategies to and ensure a constant assessment of ENTSO-E Operation Handbook (policy 5) procedures. The paper firstly summarizes the main results of the theoretical investigations on different neighbour backbones. Secondly the […]
Technical papers
Technical design requirements and test experiences on Composite Hollow Core Insulators regarding pollution performance under AC and DC stress
This paper is a common approach of manufacturers of insulators, electrical equipment, transmission system and test labs to verify the expected behaviour in laboratory and outdoor tests . For the electrical design of composite insulators, different material properties and shed profiles for AC and DC conditions have to be taken into account respectively, considering the […]
Technical papers
Testing experiences on extruded cable systems up to 525kVdc in the first third party worldwide laboratory
The booming of renewable power stations (solar and wind mill mainly), the increase use of Interconnectors and submarine cables, the construction of urban substations in big cities with intense population and the need to avoid the use the overhead lines (right of way and so on), are the main factors leading to the increasing amount […]
Products Expertise
Cables and Accessories
The increasing global demand for electricity in both industrialized and emerging markets is driving demand for cables systems. We carry out type tests to verify the design of LV, MV and HV cables and their accessories. Type testing allows you to prove that your cables and cable accessories meet the highest quality standards to deliver […]
Testing Labs
Pollution Laboratories
Salt fog stress in beachfront areas, industrial pollution, mist or rain can all cause flashovers on outdoor high- and medium-voltage equipment. Kema Labs pollution test laboratories can perfectly reproduce heavy conditions in accordance with most global standards . Test & Ratings Tests Ratings Pollution test (IEC 60507) Up to 600 kV AC Pollution test (IEC […]