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ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Software di gestione di Sistemi di Monitoraggio Strutture
I sistemi di monitoraggio permettono agli ingegneri il controllo di strutture o del territorio avendo a disposizione informazioni in merito al comportamento di strutture o di dissesti al fine di identificare i rischi potenziali. I sistemi di monitoraggio sono dotati di opportuni software di gestione che vengono in aiuto per l’analisi dei dati e a […]
Monitoraggio dighe e verifiche strutturali
Le dighe sono opere essenziali per lo sviluppo di un paese, sia per la produzione di energia elettrica sia per lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura, grazie all’utilizzo dello sbarramento come bacino di accumulo di acqua per consentirne lo sfruttamento per l’irrigazione. Dighe e Bacini idrici – Centrali ad acqua fluente Esistono varie tipologie di dighe, realizzate con […]
Verifiche Strutturali, Idrogeologiche e sismiche
Verifiche strutturali statiche e dinamiche
Le verifiche strutturali sono un insieme di analisi e ispezioni effettuate su un edificio o su una struttura per assicurarsi che questi siano sicuri e in grado di sopportare le sollecitazioni a cui sono sottoposti. Le verifiche strutturali possono essere suddivise in due tipi principali: statiche e dinamiche. Ognuna di queste si concentra su aspetti […]
Technical papers
Mistral Software for online Monitoring System
​The collection, storage and analysis of information concerning a dam are a critical part of surveillance activity toward managing the safety of the structure. An important part on handling of this information is the interpretation of data coming from the monitoring. In addition, the use of automatic instrumentation has resulted in large amounts of data […]
Environmental Site assessment & Feasibility Studies
Environmental impact assessments, including soil and groundwater investigation, are often mandatory, for example in response to a spill or when the site is part of larger Sites of National Concern. In other cases, Environmental impact assessment is required for contractual reasons (e.g. before the purchase or sale of a site) or where it is necessary […]
ISMES studi idrogeologici sistemi di monitoraggio modellazione strutture complesse
Modelli Previsionali del Degrado Strutturale delle Opere d’Arte
Sviluppo di modelli previsionali del degrado strutturale delle opere d’arte per la predisposizione di piani di manutenzione pluriennali. L’approccio di ISMES Benefici attesi Metodologia e strumenti
Natural hazards
River flooding
In recent years, climate change has increased the frequency and intensity of flooding events. The built environment and, therefore, civil engineering must deal with such events and put in place solutions to mitigate their destructive effects on existing structures. ISMES offers the following services: For bridges across rivers the following analyses are carried out: 
Soil & Groundwater
In the mining sector, CESI offers consulting and design services for major multinational mining companies, especially the design of remediation interventions and the execution of pre-design studies. Our services include:
Testing & Inspections
Tests on construction materials
ISTEDIL, the ISMES’ specialized laboratory for construction materials, provide technical assistance and quality control for: Analysis of:
Advisory services
Planning studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is affecting them in a variety of ways, including: a (r)evolution in the generation mix, the rise of distributed generation, the deployment of energy storage capacity, enhanced interconnections between countries and more integrated power markets. In addition, the electrification of sectors that still rely on fossil fuels is changing […]
HVDC Environmental Impact
The environmental impact of an HVDC interconnection system HVDC SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT HVDC technology is the only feasible solution when crossing long marine distances. This is the case of some electric interconnection projects in the Mediterranean Sea area. In fact, for long-distance transmission, HVDC systems may be less expensive and suffer lower electrical losses and underwater power […]
Natural hazards
Landslides happen when sites with certain soil conditions are hit by  intense rainfall. To define the risk and design proper mitigation measures, ISMES takes the following approach:
Advisory services
Operational studies
The ongoing decarbonization of power systems is introducing new challenges in terms of managing transmission and distribution networks while guaranteeing the security and resilience of the system: the generation mix is undergoing an evolution (in some cases a revolution), with more distributed generation coming onto the system, more alternative energy storage capacity being added, and […]
Data analyses
Supported by our proprietary software, SMES engineers study and oversee the behavior of infrastructure: offering static and/or dynamic structural safety control before, during and after consolidation works and identification, analysis, and assessment of the behavior of structures and land. This gives the client fully technical support to perform the checks they need to do. Data […]
​Milano, 31 Agosto 2018Il Gruppo CESI, profondamente colpito dal tragico crollo del Ponte Morandi,  si stringe intorno alle famiglie delle vittime e alla città di Genova esprimendo il suo più sentito cordoglio. Dal 2015 al 2016, CESI attraverso ISMES ha realizzato sul Ponte Morandi di Genova attività di consulenza specialistica per Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI).ISMES […]
Soil & Groundwater
Oil & Gas
In the oil and gas sector, CESI has developed subsoil environmental studies for drilling, storage and logistics sites for petroleum product distribution in southern Italy. Our services for the oil and gas sector include: CESI has developed feasibility studies for decommissioning offshore and onshore pipelines, market benchmarks and comparative socioeconomic assessments for the recovery, reuse […]
Per garantire l’efficienza operativa dei sistemi di monitoraggio, è cruciale effettuare controlli regolari sullo stato dei loro componenti, oltre a fornire servizi di manutenzione (ordinaria che straordinaria). La metodologia di ISMES Vantaggi previsti Strumenti e metodologia
Technical papers
Maximum feasible penetration of non-programmable RES generation in power systems
​The large-scale development of renewable sources, with particular reference to wind, in the generation mix might introduce several problems for a secure management of the power system, due to a higher generation uncertainty, thus requiring careful investigations by the responsible for planning and the involved system operators. In this context, CESI has developed a thorough […]
Testing & Inspections
Inspections and investigations on buildings and existing structures
ISTEDIL, the ISMES’ specialized laboratory for construction materials, can perform tests on existing structures such as: ISTEDIL carries out load tests on:
Engineering Consulting
Design Review
When building a large infrastructure project, the contractor’s design proposals must be appraised to ensure that the calculations, designs, materials and arrangements comply with technical specifications, are of suitable material and quality , and are assembled efficiently and effectively. CESI has a long track record of design review activities performed for utilities and investors worldwide, […]