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Jordan | Planning Studies | Solar
Grid connection study of PV plant in Jordan
Grid connection study of new PV solar power plant in Jordan
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South Africa | Planning Studies | On-shore and Off-shore Wind | Solar
RES Generation Impact study in South Africa
Impact study of renewable energy generation on the South African electricity system
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Integration of non-programmable renewable energy in Ethiopia
Integration of non-programmable renewable energy in Ethiopia
The RESFORAFRICA Foundation commissioned CESI to examine the integration of non-programmable renewable generation into the power system of Ethiopia
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Integration of non-programmable renewable energy in Kenya
Integration of non-programmable renewable energy in Kenya
The RESFORAFRICA Foundation commissioned CESI to examine the integration of renewable generation into Kenya’s power system.
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Grid impact studies and grid code compliance for renewable energy sources
Over the past 10 years NEPCO has carried out a series of auctions to develop renewable energy projects in Jordan. CESI was hired by several project developers to analyse the impact of new PV solar and wind power plants on the reliability and operation of the Jordanian power system, and to provide recommendations for how […]
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Enhancing Reliability in Digital Substations Through Rigorous Testing
Enhancing Reliability in Digital Substations Through Rigorous Testing
Enhancing Reliability in Digital Substations Through Rigorous Testing
Enhancing Reliability in Digital Substations Through Rigorous Testing
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
EIA transboundary procedure and feasibility study for EuroAsia 2000MW HVDC interconnection
USTDA-Funded Smart Grid Study to Improve the Côte d’Ivoire Grid
USTDA-Funded Smart Grid Study to Improve the Côte d’Ivoire Grid
Engineering, Design & Procurement Services for HVDC NEOM Project Phase II in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Engineering, Design & Procurement Services for HVDC NEOM Project Phase II in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Consultancy Services for Renewable Energy Strategy Framework in the State of Qatar
Consultancy Services for Renewable Energy Strategy Framework in the State of Qatar
CESI reviewed and improved Brazilian dams’ safety conditions
CESI reviewed and improved Brazilian dams’ safety conditions
Offshore Wind Regulatory Framework in the Philippines
Offshore Wind Regulatory Framework in the Philippines
Pre-Feasibility and Detailed Feasibility Study to Develop Off-Shore Wind Farms in Bangladesh
Pre-Feasibility and Detailed Feasibility Study to Develop Off-Shore Wind Farms in Bangladesh
Feasibility study for a 700MW offshore wind farm in Lithuania
Feasibility study for a 700MW offshore wind farm in Lithuania
Pangue Dam automatic monitoring system
Pangue Dam automatic monitoring system
Automatic monitoring system for Rapel dam in Chile
Automatic monitoring system for Rapel dam in Chile
Environmental activities for Bocamina Thermoelectric Power Plant
Environmental activities for Bocamina Thermoelectric Power Plant
Environmental activities for Tarapacá Thermoelectric Power Plant
Environmental activities for Tarapacá Thermoelectric Power Plant
Support for scaling-up Variable Renewable Energy deployment in Azerbaijan
Support for scaling-up Variable Renewable Energy deployment in Azerbaijan
Development of a short- term grid development plan for Zambia
Development of a short- term grid development plan for Zambia
Consultancy Services for the Development of a specific Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for NamPower
Consultancy Services for the Development of a specific Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) for NamPower
Definition and Implementation of a Regional Grid Code for Transmission Network
Definition and Implementation of a Regional Grid Code for Transmission Network
Consultancy Services for Engineering Supervision and Site Management for the Rehabilitation of Transmission SCADA Systems
Consultancy Services for Engineering Supervision and Site Management for the Rehabilitation of Transmission SCADA Systems
Feasibility Study Update for 400kV Tanzania – Uganda Transmission Line
Feasibility Study Update for 400kV Tanzania – Uganda Transmission Line
Feasibility Study Update for 400kV Tanzania – Uganda Transmission Line
Feasibility Study Update for 400kV Tanzania – Uganda Transmission Line
Operational practices, controls and defense plans for Mindanao – Visayas Interconnection Project (MVIP) in the Philippines
Operational practices, controls and defense plans for Mindanao – Visayas Interconnection Project (MVIP) in the Philippines
<strong>Consultancy Services for Computerized Maintenance Management System under “Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in Eastern Region” project</strong>
Consultancy Services for Computerized Maintenance Management System under “Enhancement & Strengthening of Power Network in Eastern Region” project
Consulting Development Planning, Construction Supervision and Commissioning Services for the PLN Main and Disaster Recovery Control Centers
Consulting Development Planning, Construction Supervision and Commissioning Services for the PLN Main and Disaster Recovery Control Centers
Grid analysis in Kalimantan for the World Bank
Grid analysis in Kalimantan for the World Bank
Consulting Services for Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) on HVDC transmission lines, battery storage and SCADA
Consulting Services for Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) on HVDC transmission lines, battery storage and SCADA
Smart Grid in developing countries
Smart Grid in developing countries
Consulting services for Dispatch Centers Refurbishing and Equipping in Ukraine
Consulting services for Dispatch Centers Refurbishing and Equipping in Ukraine
Owner’s engineering for Smart Metering project in Jordan
Owner’s engineering for Smart Metering project in Jordan
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
Cost-Benefit Analysis Study for EuroAsia Interconnector
<strong>Cost-Benefit Analysis for availability of FCR Providers with Limited Storage capacity</strong>
Cost-Benefit Analysis for availability of FCR Providers with Limited Storage capacity
Blackout reconstruction in Egypt and Jordan
Blackout reconstruction in Egypt and Jordan
Blackout reconstruction in Egypt and Jordan
Blackout reconstruction in Egypt and Jordan
<strong>FEED and preparation of the EPC Technical Dossier for the Malta-Italy Interconnector 2</strong>
FEED and preparation of the EPC Technical Dossier for the Malta-Italy Interconnector 2
<strong>FEED and preparation of the EPC Technical Dossier for the Malta-Italy Interconnector 2</strong>
FEED and preparation of the EPC Technical Dossier for the Malta-Italy Interconnector 2
<strong>Master Plan for Electricity Generation and Transmission (2021-2035) for West Bank</strong>
Master Plan for Electricity Generation and Transmission (2021-2035) for West Bank
<strong>Consulting services for the design and construction of Synchronous Condenser substations in Lithuania</strong>
Consulting services for the design and construction of Synchronous Condenser substations in Lithuania
<strong>System studies for the review of the grid system performance and proposals for system stability improvement under Pakistan National Power Transmission Modernization Phase 1 Project</strong>
System studies for the review of the grid system performance and proposals for system stability improvement under Pakistan National Power Transmission Modernization Phase 1 Project
Feasibility Study for the construction of Georgia-Romania Undersea Power and Digital Interconnection project
Feasibility Study for the construction of Georgia-Romania Undersea Power and Digital Interconnection project
Feasibility Study for the construction of Georgia-Romania Undersea Power and Digital Interconnection project
Feasibility Study for the construction of Georgia-Romania Undersea Power and Digital Interconnection project
<strong>Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project</strong>
Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project
<strong>Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project</strong>
Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project
<strong>Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project</strong>
Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project
<strong>Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project</strong>
Completion of Technical Code and Ancillary documentation for CASA 1000 project
Enhanced biotreatment pilot project
Enhanced biotreatment pilot project
Site characterisation
Site characterisation
Feasibility study at the Termozipa power plant
Feasibility study at the Termozipa power plant
Design project for gas-fulled power plant
Design project for gas-fulled power plant
Design project for gas-fulled power plant
Design project for gas-fulled power plant
Remediation of Pietrafitta mining area
Remediation of Pietrafitta mining area
Remediation project at Alanno dam
Remediation project at Alanno dam
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in the South of America
Environmental site assessment in Italy
Environmental site assessment in Italy
Owner’s Engineering  for Belo Monte project
Owner’s Engineering for Belo Monte project
Grid assessment of the Egyptian West Nile power system
Grid assessment of the Egyptian West Nile power system
Technical assistance for Smart Metering project in Montenegro
Technical assistance for Smart Metering project in Montenegro
Owner’s engineering for pilot plant for energy production and storage
Owner’s engineering for pilot plant for energy production and storage
Assessment of Iraqi power system
Assessment of Iraqi power system
Commissioning activities support in steel plant in Kazakhstan
Commissioning activities support in steel plant in Kazakhstan
Repowering of power plants in Algeria
Repowering of power plants in Algeria
Owner’s Engineering for combined cycle plant
Owner’s Engineering for combined cycle plant
Consulting services for four dams in Chile
Consulting services for four dams in Chile
Consulting services for three dams in Uruguay
Consulting services for three dams in Uruguay
Consulting services for Italian dams
Consulting services for Italian dams
Hydrogeological risk analysis
Hydrogeological risk analysis
Hydrogeological risk monitoring
Hydrogeological risk monitoring
St Mark’s Bell Tower monitoring system
St Mark’s Bell Tower monitoring system
Design of sediment management plan
Design of sediment management plan
Water quality modelling
Water quality modelling
Tackling problem odours
Tackling problem odours
Technical assistance in detecting asbestos
Technical assistance in detecting asbestos
Air quality monitoring
Air quality monitoring
Monitoring chemical components
Monitoring chemical components
Waste analysis
Waste analysis
Sediment management
Sediment management
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Grid Connection studies for new wind power plants
Wind generation plant assessment in Kazakhstan
Wind generation plant assessment in Kazakhstan
Operation studies for connecting RES plant in Saudi Arabia
Operation studies for connecting RES plant in Saudi Arabia
Network studies for wind farms
Network studies for wind farms
Tunisian grid reinforcement to cope with RES plants installation
Tunisian grid reinforcement to cope with RES plants installation
Grid Impact assessment
Grid Impact assessment
Monterotondo geothermal power plant
Monterotondo geothermal power plant
Switzerland – Italy Interconnector/GF
Switzerland – Italy Interconnector/GF
Switzerland – Italy Interconnector/GF
Switzerland – Italy Interconnector/GF
Integrated environmental authorization
Integrated environmental authorization
More than 60 permitting procedures..
More than 60 permitting procedures..
Consulting services for three dams in Colombia
Consulting services for three dams in Colombia
Assessment and Management
Assessment and Management
Assessment and Certification
Assessment and Certification
Evaluation of the resilience
Evaluation of the resilience
Repowering wind farms
Repowering wind farms
Hydraulic and geological risk assessment
Hydraulic and geological risk assessment
Hydrogeological vulnerability analysis
Hydrogeological vulnerability analysis
Assessment and risk evaluation
Assessment and risk evaluation
Development of a Road Asset Management
Development of a Road Asset Management
Tower of Pisa monitoring system
Tower of Pisa monitoring system
Turin Shroud monitoring system
Turin Shroud monitoring system
Highway tunnels monitorinn system
Highway tunnels monitorinn system
Landslide monitoring systems
Landslide monitoring systems
Meteomont automatic monitoring system
Meteomont automatic monitoring system
Monitoring systems on Itaipù dam
Monitoring systems on Itaipù dam
Owner’s Engineering Services for the Mindanao-Visayas HVDC power transmission project
Owner’s Engineering Services for the Mindanao-Visayas HVDC power transmission project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Full Owner’s engineering for CASA 1000 project
Project supervision for Ethiopia- Kenya HVDC interconnector
Project supervision for Ethiopia- Kenya HVDC interconnector
Project supervision for Ethiopia- Kenya HVDC interconnector
Project supervision for Ethiopia- Kenya HVDC interconnector
Integrated environmental authorization
Integrated environmental authorization
Feasibility study between Farasan Island and the mainland in Saudi Arabia
Feasibility study between Farasan Island and the mainland in Saudi Arabia
Renewables projects for the Oman
Renewables projects for the Oman
Environmental studies at Bocamina power plant
Environmental studies at Bocamina power plant
Pre-feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Turkey
Pre-feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Turkey
Pre-feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Turkey
Pre-feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Turkey
More than 20 environmental feasibility
More than 20 environmental feasibility
EuroAsia interconnection
EuroAsia interconnection
EuroAsia interconnection
EuroAsia interconnection
EuroAsia interconnection
EuroAsia interconnection
Malta-Italy gas pipeline interconnection
Malta-Italy gas pipeline interconnection
Coal to gas power plant conversion
Coal to gas power plant conversion
Battery energy storage systems
Battery energy storage systems
Repowering wind farms – Environmental activities
Repowering wind farms – Environmental activities
Post-authorisation environmental consultancy
Post-authorisation environmental consultancy
Rationalising HV grid “Alto Bellunese” cable
Rationalising HV grid “Alto Bellunese” cable
Line Fossano-Magliano Alpi – environmental activities
Line Fossano-Magliano Alpi – environmental activities
Triana geothermal power plant
Triana geothermal power plant
Piancastagnaio geothermal power plant
Piancastagnaio geothermal power plant
Condition-based maintenance master plan in Malaysia
Condition-based maintenance master plan in Malaysia
Assessment of energy storage opportunities in Italy
Assessment of energy storage opportunities in Italy
Reliability analysis of the effect of different storage facilities on Italian network
Reliability analysis of the effect of different storage facilities on Italian network
Technologic assessment of battery energy storage systems
Technologic assessment of battery energy storage systems
Energy Masterplan for Suriname
Energy Masterplan for Suriname
Synchronization of WAPP interconnected system
Synchronization of WAPP interconnected system
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Grid code for the Pan-Arab electricity market
Defence and Restoration Plan for Senegal
Defence and Restoration Plan for Senegal
Restoration Plan for Italian power network
Restoration Plan for Italian power network
Feasibility study between Arab countries
Feasibility study between Arab countries
Feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Iraq
Feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Iraq
Feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Iraq
Feasibility study between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Iraq
Grid expansion plan for Bolivia
Grid expansion plan for Bolivia
Interconnection study in Algeria
Interconnection study in Algeria
Operational study for integration of RES in Jordan
Operational study for integration of RES in Jordan
Power system consultancy for grid reliability improvement in Ethiopia
Power system consultancy for grid reliability improvement in Ethiopia
Regional Market study for MED-TSO
Regional Market study for MED-TSO
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Potentional for power trade in GCC states
Pricing model for Western Africa Power Pool
Pricing model for Western Africa Power Pool
Standards for Rooftop Solar systems in Oman
Standards for Rooftop Solar systems in Oman
Masterplan for Renewable energy in Morocco
Masterplan for Renewable energy in Morocco
Grid Impact study of solar power plant in Ghana
Grid Impact study of solar power plant in Ghana
PV Generation assessment in Australia
PV Generation assessment in Australia
Owner’s Engineering for 72 PV Plant in Italy
Owner’s Engineering for 72 PV Plant in Italy
Assessment for floating photovoltaic
Assessment for floating photovoltaic
Smart Grid Strategy for Saudi Arabia
Smart Grid Strategy for Saudi Arabia
Smart Grid Study in Ivory Coast
Smart Grid Study in Ivory Coast
Smart Grid Roadmap in Viet Nam
Smart Grid Roadmap in Viet Nam
Full technical support for TELEGESTORE Metering project in Italy
Full technical support for TELEGESTORE Metering project in Italy
Full technical support for CERVANTES Metering project in Spain
Full technical support for CERVANTES Metering project in Spain
Smart Grid Roadmap for Brazil
Smart Grid Roadmap for Brazil
Strategy for Advanced Metering Infrastructure  in UAE
Strategy for Advanced Metering Infrastructure in UAE
Technical assistance for Advanced Electricity Metering project in Uzbekistan
Technical assistance for Advanced Electricity Metering project in Uzbekistan
Feasibility study for Smart Metering in Serbia
Feasibility study for Smart Metering in Serbia
Steel Plant study in Libya
Steel Plant study in Libya
Studies for Aluminium Plant in Bahrain
Studies for Aluminium Plant in Bahrain
Asset Management system for HV lines in Italy
Asset Management system for HV lines in Italy
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Operating strategy for CASA 1000 project
Procurement Assistance for interconnection between Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Procurement Assistance for interconnection between Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Procurement Assistance for interconnection between Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Procurement Assistance for interconnection between Saudi Arabia and Egypt
Feasibility study between Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Feasibility study between Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Feasibility study between Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Feasibility study between Saudi Arabia and Jordan
Cost-benefit analysis for EuroAfrica project
Cost-benefit analysis for EuroAfrica project
Cost-benefit analysis for EuroAfrica project
Cost-benefit analysis for EuroAfrica project
Procurement Assistance for Ixtepec-Yaupetec HVDC project in Mexico
Procurement Assistance for Ixtepec-Yaupetec HVDC project in Mexico
Feasibility study of the Jordanian power transmission corridor
Feasibility study of the Jordanian power transmission corridor
Technical assistance for Nairobi ring HV line in Kenya
Technical assistance for Nairobi ring HV line in Kenya
Feasibility studies  for the Mozambique-Zambia transmission line
Feasibility studies for the Mozambique-Zambia transmission line
Feasibility studies  for the Mozambique-Zambia transmission line
Feasibility studies for the Mozambique-Zambia transmission line
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Pre-feasibility study linking South of America
Project supervision for HV substations rehabilitation
Project supervision for HV substations rehabilitation
Feasibility study between Moldova and Romania
Feasibility study between Moldova and Romania
Feasibility study between Moldova and Romania
Feasibility study between Moldova and Romania
NEPCO Green Corridor impact assessment
NEPCO Green Corridor impact assessment
Environmental feasibility study between Chile and Peru
Environmental feasibility study between Chile and Peru
Environmental feasibility study between Chile and Peru
Environmental feasibility study between Chile and Peru
Switzerland – Italy interconnector/Terna
Switzerland – Italy interconnector/Terna
Modernization of Uzbek distribution network
Modernization of Uzbek distribution network
Energy losses study in Jordan
Energy losses study in Jordan
Owner’s engineering for power transmission rehabilitation project in Armenia
Owner’s engineering for power transmission rehabilitation project in Armenia
Distribution rehabilitation project in Kyrgyz Republic
Distribution rehabilitation project in Kyrgyz Republic
Grid connection study of PV plant in Jordan
Grid connection study of PV plant in Jordan
RES Generation Impact study in South Africa
RES Generation Impact study in South Africa
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